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Get a File

The resource /mmc/api/servers/files/<myServerId>/<myFile.xml>, when invoked with the HTTP GET operation, returns the specified file on the specified server relative to the Mule installation directory. You substitute the URL to the server for <myServerId> and the path to the XML file for <myFile.xml>.

URLs are of the form http://localhost:8080/mmc/api/servers/73d89173-290e-4cb3-a61c-e11deb74767d/files/files/<path>; where <path> is the path, including the name of the file, to the file you want to retrieve and 73d89173-290e-4cb3-a61c-e11deb74767d is the server id.

Example Request

The following code illustrates invoking this request.

GET http://localhost:8080/mmc/api/servers/73d89173-290e-4cb3-a61c-e11deb74767d/files/conf/server.xml

Example Response

When successful, this resource returns a response such as the following.

200Content-Length: 6460Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=54D3308EA4FA18A9E29165C252D175FF; Path=/consoleContent-Type: application/octet-streamServer: Apache-Coyote/1.1Date: Mon, 09 Nov 2009 23:45:37 GMT... file data ...