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Script Transformer Reference


(Plus the Groovy, JavaScript, Python, and Ruby Transformers)

*Purpose:* Defines a script component to use as a transformer. The Script transformer lets you select the particular scripting engine from a pull-down list. The predefined script transformers Groovy, JavaScript, Python, and Ruby have the scripting engines already set.

Minimum Configuration: None.

Discussion: A Script transformer lets you use a script component as a transformer. You can configure a script using name/value pairs, in which case you must provide the key or name for the name/value pair.

Double-click the Script icon on the canvas to open the Pattern Properties dialog. Use the General tab to specify the file containing the script code or to enter the script itself. You also select the scripting engine from the Engine property pull-down list. Scripting engine choices are: JavaScript, Groovy, Python, and Ruby. The default scripting engine is JavaScript.

script props1

The scripting engine is already set for the predefined script transformers (Groovy, JavaScript, Python, and Ruby) and there is no engine property for you to configure. For example, the General tab for a predefined script transformer such as Ruby looks as shown below:

ruby transformer

The Script Transformer has the same advanced properties as other transformers. Configuring these optional properties is covered in the [Studio Transformers] page.

script transformer

Click the Advanced tab to set name/value pairs for configuring the script. As noted, you must provide the key name for each value pair you enter.

For more information about scripts and transformers, see here.