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Using Web Services

Mule is designed to facilitate the use of Web services in the following ways:

  • Web services can be hosted or consumed

  • Transport decoupled from protocol, that is, you can send / receive over JMS, email, etc.

  • JAX-WS or Simple services

  • Web services can be proxied or modified without much code

CXF Module Reference - Describes how to build and consume web services with CXF.

Using the Mule Client - Describes the Mule Client, which can be used as a SOAP client.

Proxying Web Services - Describes how to use Mule as a web service gateway/proxy in various scenarios.

Supported Web Service Standards - Web service standards supported by Mule and CXF.

Web Service Wrapper - Describes how to use the WebServiceWrapperComponent class to send the result of a web service call to another endpoint.

RESTpack - Provides support for building RESTful services inside Mule. You can also use the REST service wrapper (a specialized Mule service component) in the HTTP transport to proxy REST-style requests to external REST/HTTP services. This wrapper component acts as a REST client and is appropriate if you do not have strict REST requirements.

Echo Example - A simple example of exposing a Mule service as a web service using Axis.

Using .NET Web Services with Mule - Tips for using .NET web services with Mule.