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BPM Configuration Reference

Mule Runtime Engine versions 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7 reached End of Life on or before January 25, 2020. For more information, contact your Customer Success Manager to determine how you can migrate to the latest Mule version.

This page provides details on the process components you configure for BPM. Some of this information is pulled directly from mule-bpm.xsd and is cached. For more information on BPM, see BPM Module Reference. Information on jBPM is available at JBPM.


A process backed by a BPMS such as jBPM.

Attributes of <process…​>

Name Description


An optional reference to the underlying BPMS. Disambiguates in the case where more than one BPMS is available.
Type: string
Required: no
Default: none


The logical name of the process. Looks up the running process instance from the BPMS.
Type: string
Required: yes
Default: none


The resource containing the process definition, this deploys the process to the BPMS. The resource type depends on the BPMS being used.
Type: string
Required: yes
Default: none


This field correlates Mule messages with processes. If not specified, the default is MULE_BPM_PROCESS_ID.
Type: string
Required: no
Default: none

No child elements for process.


Attributes of jbpm

Name Description


An optional name for this BPMS. Refer to this from the bpms-ref field of your process in case you have more than one BPMS available.
Type: name (no spaces)
Required: no
Default: none


The configuration file for jBPM, default is jbpm.cfg.xml if not specified.
Type: string
Required: no
Default: none


A reference to the already-initialized jBPM ProcessEngine. This is useful if you use Spring to configure your jBPM instance. Note that the "configurationResource" attribute is ignored in this case.
Type: string
Required: no
Default: none

No child elements for jbpm.