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Object Store Module Reference

Mule Runtime Engine versions 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7 reached End of Life on or before January 25, 2020. For more information, contact your Customer Success Manager to determine how you can migrate to the latest Mule version.

The Object Store Module allows you to manipulate object stores within Mule. It can access custom object stores, or the defaults in-memory and persistent object stores. It allows you to store, retrieve and remove objects from the store. Components in your XML flows can be used with the Mule default implementations or they can reference a custom global configuration element via a ref attribute.

To use the object Store module in Anypoint Studio, you must first download the Object Store Connector from Anypoint Exchange.

Item Description


Schema Location

Schema Version


Minimum Mule Version



To use this module within a flow, the namespace must include the module as a dependency. The resulting flow will look similar to the following:

<mule xmlns=""

  <!-- Your flows and configuration elements -->


When using Anypoint Studio, the necessary elements are added to your namespace automatically when dragging in an Object Store Connector from the palette into your canvas.

XML Components in the Object Store Module

Component Description


Configure an instance of the object store module. Various attributes determine the type of object store to be created, and the object store’s behavior.


Set the message payload to a list of all the keys in the object store.

Throws an UnsupportedOperationException if the object store implementation does not support listing all keys.


Checks whether the object store contains the given key.

Sets the payload to true if the key exists in the object store, otherwise the payload is set to false.


Stores the value object using the supplied key, and also stores the key object using the supplied value. This is equivalent to calling Store(key,value) and Store(value,key) in a single operation.

This allows you to later retrieve the key object by supplying the value object, instead of only retrieving the value object by supplying the key object.

See the Store operation for more details.


Locks the object store and removes the object for the respective key. Throws an ObjectDoesNotExistException if the key does not exist in the object store.

Sets the message payload to the object that was previously stored for the given key. If the key does not exist and ignoreNotExists is true, the operation returns a null object.

Throws an ObjectStoreException if the given key is null, if the store is not available, or if any other implementation-specific error occurs.


Retrieves an object from the object store and copies the retrieved value into the specified property scope of a Mule Message. The default target property scope is INVOCATION.

Throws an ObjectDoesNotExistException exception if the key does not exist in the object store.


Retrieves and stores in the same operation.


Locks the object store and retrieves the given value object for the supplied key object. The retrieved value is then copied into the specified property scope of a Mule Message. The object store lock is released after the object is retrieved from the object store.


Stores an object in the object store.

Locks the object store and then writes the value object in the object store using the supplied key object.

This operation does not change the current message payload.

Throws an ObjectAlreadyExistsException if the overwrite property is set to false (the default) and the key already exists in the object store.


This component is a global element, and goes outside any of your flows. It must then be referenced by the other elements in the object store module.

By default, Mule includes three default object stores that are initiated every time you run Mule both on premises and on CloudHub.

Each Mule runtime includes these 3 Spring Bean instances:

  • _defaultInMemoryObjectStore

  • _defaultUserObjectStore

  • _defaultTransientUserObjectStore

You can also code your own object store Java class, then include an instance in your application as a Spring bean. You can then reference you custom object store when you define a new Object Store module element.

Name Description


The identifier of the object store configuration. Other components must reference this configuration via this name.

Default: none
Java Type: String
MIME Type: /
Encoding: UTF-8


The string displayed in Anypoint Studio.

Default: none
Java Type: String
MIME Type: /
Encoding: UTF-8


Name of the partition. If set, and an object store is specified in the objectstore-ref attribute, the given Object Store must be partitionable.

This means that:

  • If you define an objectstore-ref and the object store is partitionable, the connector uses the partition name.

  • If you define an objectstore-ref and the object store is NOT partitionable, the connector ignores the partition name.

  • If you don’t define an objectstore-ref, but supply a partition name, the connector applies the partition name to the default object store.

Default: none
Java Type: String
MIME Type: /
Encoding: UTF-8


Optional. Reference to an object store bean. If not specified, one of the defaults is used depending on the context (stand-alone Mule runtime, Mule runtime cluster, or CloudHub cluster). You can also specify one of the default object stores by name _defaultInMemoryObjectStore, _defaultUserObjectStore, or _defaultTransientUserObjectStore.

Default: none
Java Type: String
MIME Type: none
Encoding: none


Time To Live for stored values in milliseconds. If using this parameter, maxEntries and expirationInterval are mandatory.

Default: none
Java Type: Int
MIME Type: /
Encoding: UTF-8


Specifies the expiration check interval in milliseconds.

Default: none
Java Type: Int
MIME Type: /
Encoding: none


Specifies the maximum number of entries.

Default: none
Java Type: Int
MIME Type: /
Encoding: none


Specifies if the required store needs to be persistent or not (this argument is ignored if the object store is passed by ref using the objectStore-ref attribute, or if no partition name is defined). If persistent is false, then data may be lost when a Mule runtime restarts.

Default: false
Java Type: boolean
MIME Type: /
Encoding: none

The following is an example objectstore configuration that specifies a partition named customers within the defaultUserObjectStore, and specifying that the object store should be persistent.

<objectstore:config name="ObjectStore__Configuration" partition="customer"  persistent="true"/>

If you do not specify a value for the objectstore-ref, the _defaultUserObjectStore is used, which is equivalent to this configuration:

<objectstore:config name="ObjectStore__Configuration" objectstore-ref="_defaultUserObjectStore"  persistent="true"/>

If you don’t want to use one of the default object stores, you can define your own Java bean and reference it instead in the objectstore-ref attribute.


Returns a list of all the keys in the object store.

Not all stores support this method. If the method is not supported, a java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException is thrown.

XML Sample

<objectstore:retrieve-all-keys config-ref="config-name"/>


Name Description


Optional. Specify which objectstore configuration to use. Otherwise the default objectstore configuration is used.

Returned Message Payload

Return Type Description


A java.util.List with all the keys in the store.


Exception Type Description

If an exception occurs while collecting the list of all keys.


IMPORTANT: Not all stores support this method. This exception type is thrown if the allKeys() method is not supported by the current object store implementation type.


Checks whether the object store contains the given key.

XML Sample

<objectstore:contains key="mykey" config-ref="config-name"/>


Name Description


Optional. Specify which configuration to use.

Default: none
Java Type: none
MIME Type: none
Encoding: none


The identifier key object to validate in the object store.

Default: none
Java Type: String
MIME Type: /
Encoding: UTF-8

Returned Message Payload

Return Type Description


true if the object store contains the key, false if it doesn’t.


Exception Type Description

If the provided key is null.


Stores a value using a key, and also stores a key using a value. This is equivalent to calling store(key,value) and then store(value,key).

This allows you to later search for this key/value pair using either the key or the value object.

If an exception is thrown, it rolls back both operations.

There is also an option to indicate if the key would be overwritten or not.

XML Sample

<objectstore:dual-store key="mykey" value-ref="#[payload]" config-ref="config-name"/>


Name Description


Optional. Specify which configuration to use.

Default: none
Java Type: none
MIME Type: none
Encoding: none


The identifier of the object store in the first store operation, but also the value to store in the second store operation. You can use a MEL expression to set this object, such as:
#['new value']

If you want this to be the payload, then use:

Default: none
Java Type: String
MIME Type: /
Encoding: UTF-8


The object to store in the first store operation, but also the key to use for the second store operation. You can use a MEL expression to set this object, such as:
#['new value']

If you want this to be the payload, then use:

Default: none
Java Type: Serializable
MIME Type: /
Encoding: none


True if you want to overwrite the existing object. This choice applies to both store operations. If either the key and/or value object’s already exist as keys in the object store, then that key is overwritten with the new value.

Default: false
Java Type: boolean
MIME Type: /
Encoding: none


Exception Type Description

If the given key cannot be stored or is null.

If the store is not available or any other implementation-specific error occurred.

If an attempt is made to store an object for a key that already has an object associated. Only thrown if overwrite is false.


Remove the object for the respective key. This operation can fail silently based on the value passed in ignoreNotExists.

XML Sample

<objectstore:remove key="mykey" config-ref="config-name"/>


Name Description


Optional. Specify which objectstore configuration to use.

Default: none
Java Type: none
MIME Type: none
Encoding: none


The identifier of the object to remove.

Default: none
Java Type: String
MIME Type: /
Encoding: UTF-8



Returned Message Payload

Return Type Description


The object that was previously stored for the given key. If the key does not exist and ignoreNotExists is true, the operation returns a null object.


Exception Type Description

If the given key is null or if the store is not available or any other implementation-specific error occurred.

If no value for the given key was previously stored.


Retrieve an object from the object store and make it available in the specified property scope of a Mule Message.

XML Sample

<objectstore:retrieve key="mykey" defaultValue-ref="#[string:myValue]" config-ref="config-name"/>


Name Description


Optional. Specify which configuration to use.

Default: none
Java Type: none
MIME Type: none
Encoding: none


The identifier of the object to retrieve.

Default: none
Java Type: String
MIME Type: /
Encoding: UTF-8


Optional. The default value if the key does not exist.

Default: none
Java Type: Object
MIME Type: /
Encoding: none


Optional. The Mule Message property where the retrieved value is stored.

Default: none
Java Type: String
MIME Type: /
Encoding: UTF-8


The Mule Message property scope, only used when targetProperty is specified.

Java Type: MulePropertyScope
MIME Type: /
Encoding: none


Injected Mule Message

Default: none
Java Type: MuleMessage
MIME Type: /
Encoding: none


Return Type Description


The object associated with the given key. If no object for the given key was found this method throws an


Exception Type Description

If the given key is null.

If the store is not available or any other implementation-specific error occurred.

If no value for the given key was previously stored.


Retrieve and Store in one single operation.

XML Sample

<objectstore:retrieve-store key="mykey" defaultValue-ref="#[string:myValue]" storeValue-ref="#[string:myValue]" config-ref="config-name"/>


Name Description


Optional. Specify which configuration to use.

Default: none
Java Type: none
MIME Type: none
Encoding: none


The identifier of the object to retrieve.

Default: none
Java Type: String
MIME Type: /
Encoding: UTF-8


Optional. The default value if the key does not exist.

Default: none
Java Type: Object
MIME Type: /
Encoding: none


The object to store. If you want this to be the payload then use:

Default: none
Java Type: Serializable
MIME Type: /
Encoding: none


Optional. The Mule Message property where the retrieved value is stored.

Default: none
Java Type: String
MIME Type: /
Encoding: UTF-8


The Mule Message property scope, only used when targetProperty is specified.

Java Type: MulePropertyScope
MIME Type: /
Encoding: none


Injected Mule Message

Default: none
Java Type: MuleMessage
MIME Type: /
Encoding: none

Returned Message Payload

Return Type Description


The object associated with the given key. If no object for the given key was found this method returns the defaultValue


Exception Type Description

If the given key is null.

If the store is not available or any other implementation-specific error occurred.

If no value for the given key was previously stored.


Retrieve the given object with lock from the object store and make it available in the specified property scope of a Mule Message.

XML Sample

<objectstore:retrieve-with-lock key="mykey" defaultValue-ref="#[string:myValue]" config-ref="config-name"/>


Name Description


Optional. Specify which configuration to use.

Default: none
Java Type: none
MIME Type: none
Encoding: none


The identifier of the object to retrieve.

Default: none
Java Type: String
MIME Type: /
Encoding: UTF-8


Optional. The default value if the key does not exist.

Default: none
Java Type: Object
MIME Type: /
Encoding: none


Optional. The Mule Message property where the retrieved value is stored.

Default: none
Java Type: String
MIME Type: /
Encoding: UTF-8


The Mule Message property scope, only used when targetProperty is specified.

Java Type: MulePropertyScope
MIME Type: /
Encoding: none


Injected Mule Message

Default: none
Java Type: MuleMessage
MIME Type: /
Encoding: none


Return Type Description


The object associated with the given key. If no object for the given key was found this method throws an


Exception Type Description

If the given key is null.

If the store is not available or any other implementation-specific error occurred.

If no value for the given key was previously stored.


Stores an object in the object store. This allows an option to indicate if key would be overwritten or not.

XML Sample

<objectstore:store key="mykey" value-ref="#[payload]" config-ref="config-name"/>


Name Description


Optional. Specify which configuration to use.

Default: none
Java Type: none
MIME Type: none
Encoding: none


The identifier of the object to store.

Default: none
Java Type: String
MIME Type: /
Encoding: UTF-8


The object to store. If you want this to be the payload then use:

Default: none
Java Type: Serializable
MIME Type: /
Encoding: none


True if you want to overwrite the existing object.

Default: False
Java Type: Boolean
MIME Type: /
Encoding: none


Exception Type Description

If the given key cannot be stored, or is null.

If the store is not available or any other implementation-specific error occurred.

If the key already exists in the object store, and that key already has an associated value object. Only thrown if overwrite is false.