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@Function Annotation

Mule runtime engine version 3.8 reached its End of Life on November 16, 2021. For more information, contact your Customer Success Manager to determine how to migrate to the latest Mule version.

A parameter injection annotation expression on the message payload with the result being passed into the method, this annotation exposes a common set of functions used in Mule such as a counter, UUID generator, date and timestamps.

public class MyComponent {
    public Object process(@XPath("/Envelope") Document doc
                                        @Function("uuid") String id) {
        // do stuff


Function Description


Returns a java.sql.Timestamp with the current time


Returns a java.util.Date with the current time


Returns a java.lang.String that contains the current date formatted according as\{\{ dd-MM-yy_HH-mm-ss.SSS }}


Returns a java.lang.String that contains the current date formatted according as\{{dd-MM-yyyy}}


Returns a globally unique identifier as a java.lang.String


Returns the hostname of the machine Mule is running on as a java.lang.String


Returns the IP address of the machine Mule is running on as a java.lang.String


Returns a local count as a java.lang.Long that will increment for each call. If the server is restarted, the counter will return to zero


Returns the fully qualified class name of the payload as a java.lang.String


Returns just the class name of the payload as a java.lang.String