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Sharing Custom Code

Mule runtime engine version 3.8 reached its End of Life on November 16, 2021. For more information, contact your Customer Success Manager to determine how to migrate to the latest Mule version.

Besides all the common code that exists in a company, there are Mule specific programmatic artifacts that are worth considering sharing.

Let’s name a few:

  • Custom transformers - performing operations that none of the Mule stock transformers can perform (see here).

  • Custom components - typically Mule-aware or non-business oriented components, as business components are usually simple POJOs coming from pre-existing projects (see: here).

The most convenient way to share custom code across team is to rely on Maven’s dependency management mechanism. Here is an extract of a pom.xml referring to common code stored in a shared Maven library:


The Mule build plug-in will automatically bundle these extra dependencies in the /lib directory of the deployable application. In this case, the common-mule-project-1.3.jar will be added to this directory at build time, ready to be deployed and made available to the application running on Mule.