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Deploy Applications to CloudHub

Standard Support for Mule 4.1 ended on November 2, 2020, and this version of Mule reached its End of Life on November 2, 2022, when Extended Support ended.

Deployments of new applications to CloudHub that use this version of Mule are no longer allowed. Only in-place updates to applications are permitted.

MuleSoft recommends that you upgrade to the latest version of Mule 4 that is in Standard Support so that your applications run with the latest fixes and security enhancements.

In addition to using Anypoint Studio, Anypoint Runtime Manager, or the Anypoint Platform CLI to deploy applications to CloudHub, you can also deploy, redeploy, or undeploy applications by using the Mule Maven plugin. To do so, you must meet certain prerequisites, and configure your CloudHub deployment strategy in your project’s pom.xml file.


Before you can deploy to CloudHub using the Mule Maven plugin, you must complete the following tasks:

  • Add the Mule Maven plugin to your project

  • If you are using the HTTP Listener as source for your flow, you need to set its host to and its port to ${http.port}

  • Declare all external classes and resources in the exportedPackages and exportedResources fields on the mule-artifact.json file

Configure the CloudHub Deployment Strategy

Configure the CloudHub deployment strategy in your project’s pom.xml file so you can deploy, redeploy and undeploy your Mule application using the Mule Maven plugin.

Inside the plugin element in your project’s pom.xml file, configure your CloudHub deployment, replacing the placeholder values with your CloudHub information:

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Deploy to CloudHub

From the command line in your project’s folder, package the app and execute the deploy goal:

mvn clean package deploy -DmuleDeploy

Redeploy to CloudHub

To redeploy a Mule application using Mule Maven plugin, run mvn clean package deploy -DmuleDeploy as you did to previously deploy the app. CloudHub rewrites the app you had deployed.

Undeploy from CloudHub

To undeploy a Mule application using Mule Maven plugin, run the following command:

mvn mule:undeploy

The undeploy command also deletes the app in Mule Maven plugin 3.3.0 and later versions.

Authentication Methods

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For a detailed description of the configuration parameters, see the CloudHub Deployment Reference.

CloudHub Deployment Reference

The following table shows the available parameters to configure the CloudHub deployment strategy in your project’s pom.xml file.

Parameter Description Required


Top-level element



Your Anypoint Platform URI
If not set, by default this value is set to



The version of Mule that you want to run in your CloudHub instance
Ensure that this value is equal to or later than the earliest required Mule version of your application.



Your CloudHub username

Only when using Anypoint Platform credentials to login.


Your CloudHub password

Only when using Anypoint Platform credentials to login.


The name of your application in CloudHub
This name is part of the domain of your deployed app. For example, naming your application application-1 makes your app’s public domain



The absolute path of the JAR file to be deployed
If not set, the path defaults to the location of the JAR file generated at the package phase.



The CloudHub environment to which you want to deploy
This value must match any environment configured in your CloudHub account.


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The number of workers
By default, this value is 1.



Size of each worker; one of the following values:

  • MICRO (default; 0.1 vCores)

  • SMALL (0.2 vCores)

  • MEDIUM (1 vCore )

  • LARGE (2 vCores)

  • XLARGE (4 vCores)

  • XXLARGE (8 vCores)

  • 4XLARGE (16 vCores)



Region of worker clouds; one of the following values:

  • us-east-1 (default; US East, N. Virginia)

  • us-east-2 (US East, Ohio)

  • us-west-1 (US West, N. California)

  • us-west-2 (US West, Oregon)

  • eu-central-1 (EU, Frankfurt)

  • eu-west-1 (EU, Ireland)

  • eu-west-2 (EU, London)

  • ap-southeast-1 (Asia Pacific, Singapore)

  • ap-southeast-2 (Asia Pacific, Sydney)

  • ap-northeast-1 (Asia Pacific, Tokyo)

  • ca-central-1 (Canada, Central)

  • sa-east-1 (South America, São Paulo)



Enables Object Store V2
By default, it is set to false.



Enables persistent queues
By default, it is set to false.

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Encrypt Credentials

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+ NOTE: Make sure that the username and password are not set in the deployment configuration, or they will overwrite the defined server ID.