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Documents View

Anypoint Partner Manager V1.0 was deprecated in March 2021. Its End of Life is March 31, 2022. Support for Anypoint Partner Manager 1.0 continues in accordance with the Product Support and Maintenance Terms but is not available for new customers or upgrades. For the latest version of Anypoint Partner Manager, contact your Customer Success Manager to determine how you can migrate to the current version.

Content Area

  • Each row has 6 columns


    Who the document was sent to


    Who it was sent to


    Date and time at which the document was sent


    The standard used

    Message Type

    The type of the messaging


    Inbound or Outbound


    Short information describing the document

Detail Pane

  • Contains information associated with the document

  • Message Payload can be viewed through the link provided

  • All IDs can be copied though the copy button to the right of the ID


  • Today

  • Past 48 Hours

  • This Week

  • This Month


Select a date from calendar; only errors that occurred after that date will appear.


Select a date from calendar; only errors that occurred before that date will appear.


Inbound or Outbound


Filter by the Partner that is associated with the document

Message Type

Filter for message type field containing string

Property Name

Filter for document having property name

Property Value

Filter for document having property value containing string


Filter by the standard

Document ID

Filter by document id

To show all documents

Click Clear filters.

Top Bar

  • A Transaction button will appear when a document is selected

    • This will take you to the Transaction view and highlight this specific document