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Lookup Tables

Anypoint Partner Manager V1.0 was deprecated in March 2021. Its End of Life is March 31, 2022. Support for Anypoint Partner Manager 1.0 continues in accordance with the Product Support and Maintenance Terms but is not available for new customers or upgrades. For the latest version of Anypoint Partner Manager, contact your Customer Success Manager to determine how you can migrate to the current version.

Anypoint Partner Manager (APM) enables you to create, populate, and edit a lookup table. A lookup table is a table that facilitates transaction processing by associating values. For example, this page shows how to create a lookup table that associates home partner product codes with trading partner product codes.

Creating a Lookup Table

You can create a lookup table using either the:

This section shows how to make API calls using curl to create a three-column, two-key table.

To Create a Lookup Table

  1. Create the table:

    curl -X POST -d
      "name": "ProductCodes"
     }' ""

    The API returns a table ID, which you use in subsequent calls.

  2. Add a field:

    curl -X POST -d
      "name": "InternalProductCode"
    }' ""

    The API returns an ID for the field.

  3. Use the same syntax to add two more fields:

    curl -X POST -d
      "name": "PartnerName"
    }' ""
    curl -X POST -d
      "name": "PartnerProductCode"
    }' ""

    The API returns IDs for each field.

  4. Add keys (inbound and outbound)


    The Inbound key is the unique combination of the first and second fields.

    curl -X POST -H
      "name": "InboundProductCodes",
      "fieldIds": [
     }' ""


    The Inbound key is the unique combination of the second and third fields.

    curl -X POST -H
      "name": "InboundProductCodes",
      "fieldIds": [
     }' ""
  5. Use Anypoint Partner Manager to populate the table (see [Add a Row to a Table]).

  6. Query the API to incorporate table data:

    curl -X GET -H  ""
    To query the lookup table from within a Mule flow, see Consuming a REST API.

Working with a Lookup Table

AFter you have created a lookup table, you can use the Anypoint Partner Manager user interface to:

  • Filter existing tables

  • Add a row to a table

  • Edit a table row

  • Delete a table row

For more information, see Working with a Lookup Table.