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To Perform Additional Installation Tasks

This topic describes additional installation steps that you may need to perform.

Configure Backup and Restore

After installing Anypoint Platform Private Cloud Edition, you must ensure that you have configured your system to perform regular backups. You must schedule your backup to run at least once per day. However, MuleSoft recommends that your backup runs at least once per hour.

See About Backup and Recovery for more information.

Configure Log Forwarding

This section refers to forwarding log data from Anypoint Platform itself. For instructions on how to forward log data from the Mule servers and applications that run on the platform, see Sending data from Runtime Manager to External Analytics Software.

Anypoint Platform uses rsyslog to handle logging. To forward these logs to remote hosts you must configure this in the Ops Center.

See Configure Log Forwarding for detailed steps on how to do this on the Ops Center.

You must forward logs to a 3rd-party log solution like Splunk. It’s not supported to send data to a cloud-based log solution, like Splunk Cloud.

Set up SMTP

In order to handle e-mail alerts for both Runtime Manager and API Manager, you must have an SMTP server configured on your network. You must direct your local installation of Anypoint Platform to this server from the Access Management panel.

Provide Platform IP or Domain

You need to provide the DNS or IP with which your instance of the Anypoint Platform is exposed to the local network, this is necessary for Mule runtimes to be able to communicate with it. You can easily do this by accessing the Access Management section.

SSL Certificate

In order to use Anypoint Platform, you must provide SSL credentials. You can upload a certificate through the Anypoint Platform UI. This certificate must be trusted by every machine that’s connected to the platform.

Use Third Party Authentication

You can have your users log in to Anypoint Platform via various third party authentication tools. See External Identity for how to configure this on each of the available options. You can use LDAP, ping federate, SAML or OpenAM. On this version of the platform, all of your users must be registered in the platform via external identity (except the admin you register via the installation wizard).

Add a Custom Disclaimer Message

You can add a custom message to your login page, that all users in your organization will see every time you log in.

Post Installation

Now that your installation is complete, your platform is ready for being used. Users registered in your external identity service should have access to your Anypoint platform organization. As an admin you can now add roles to these users. You can also start registering servers so that you can then deploy to them, etc.

The developers of your organization that create Mule apps through the Anypoint Studio IDE should set up their editors so that these interface with your locally installed Anypoint Platform (instead of the default cloud Anypoint Platform). See Enable on-premises Setup.

See Managing via the Ops Center for instructions on how to add or remove servers from the platform cluster and other changes you may want to carry out after installation.