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DataSense Query Language

In Anypoint Connectors which support the query functionality, the DataSense Query Editor allows you to easily query and retrieve complex data stored in a remote application. To define your query, you can proceed in one of two ways:

  • use the Query Editor’s graphical Query Builder, which displays objects and fields available via the connector

  • type your query directly into the Query Text field, using the remote application’s native query language or the DataSense Query Language

To facilitate the latter, this document describes the DataSense Query Language for use in the Query Editor.


This document assumes that you are familiar with the DataSense Query Editor. The query language described in this document is used in conjunction with the Query Editor in the editor’s properties panel.


The DataSense Query Language is, in fact, a basic subset of SQL. The tables below list the supported language elements and operators.

Supported Language Elements

Language element Purpose Examples

SELECT statement

Select fields from an object


(To select multiple fields, separate them by commas:)

SELECT AccountID,FirstName,Lastname

FROM clause

Specify which object to select from

SELECT AccountID,FirstName,Lastname FROM Contact

WHERE clause

Define a comparison predicate to eliminate results that do not match

SELECT AccountID,FirstName,Lastname FROM Contact WHERE AccountID ⇒ '500'

ORDER BY clause

Specify a field to use for sorting results

SELECT AccountID,FirstName,Lastname FROM Contact WHERE AccountID ⇒ '500' ORDER BY LastName

OFFSET clause

Set offset (number of results to ignore) for query results

SELECT AccountID,FirstName,Lastname FROM Contact WHERE AccountID ⇒ '500' ORDER BY LastName OFFSET 250

LIMIT clause

Set maximum number of results to return

SELECT AccountID,FirstName,Lastname FROM Contact WHERE AccountID ⇒ '500' ORDER BY LastName OFFSET 250 LIMIT 1000

AND conditional operator

Concatenates search filters defined by the WHERE clause, returning match if the conditions defined in both filters are true

SELECT AccountID,FirstName,Lastname FROM Contact WHERE (AccountID ⇒ '500' AND IsDeleted = false) ORDER BY LastName OFFSET 250 LIMIT 1000

OR conditional operator

Concatenates search filters defined by the WHERE clause, returning match if one of the conditions defined in the filters is true

SELECT AccountID,FirstName,Lastname FROM Contact WHERE (AccountID ⇒ '500' AND IsDeleted = false) OR Employee_Still_With_Company_c = false ORDER BY LastName OFFSET 250 LIMIT 1000

Due to the complexity of graphical representation, the graphical Query Builder cannot display the OR conditional operator, although the DataSense query language supports it. To use the graphical Query Builder to construct a query that contains one or more OR operators, proceed as follows:

  1. Build your query with the graphical Query Builder, using it to select from the available objects and fields.

  2. Click OK to close the Query Builder window. Studio displays your finished query in the Query Text field.

  3. Edit your query in the Query Text field to include the OR operator. Your query will work, though you will not be able to see your query in the graphical editor.

Arithmetic Operators


equals to


less than

less or equal than


greater than


greater or equal than


not equal to


includes specified pattern


, (comma)

Use to separate items in a list

( )

Use to delimit filter operations articulated by the AND conditional operator

' (single quote)

Use to:

  • ** escape numbers if they are part of returned results and not an operational parameter (such as for the OFFSET or LIMIT clauses)

    • escape field values composed of multiple words (as in fullName = 'Mr. John Smith')

Supported Data Types

Data Type Usage Example Notes


SELECT FullName FROM Account WHERE LastName = Smith


SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Birth > 1999-01-01T23:01:01+01:00

SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Birth > 1999-01-01T23:01:01Z

The date format is the ISO 8601 format, which supports time zones


SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Age > 30


SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Registered = true


SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Address = null


The DataSense query language currently supports only the elements and operators listed in the tables above. Any other elements are currently not supported.

See Also

  • Learn about the DataSense Query Editor and how you can build your queries using a graphical interface

  • Learn about DataSense, which allows you to perform queries even if you do not know which objects and fields are available