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Git Staging View Reference

The Git Staging view allows you to control the version control system (VCS) process to edit RAML and OAS 2.0 and 3.0 API specifications offline and push your changes to Design Center.

Unstaged Changes section

unstaged changes section
  1. add unstage icons Add selected files to the index
    Adds the selected file to your index to commit.

  2. add all unstage icons Add all files including not selected ones to the index
    Adds all the modified files in your unstaged changes section to the index to commit.

  3. present unstage icons Presentation
    Changes the view for the unstaged and staged sections. Other views are:

    • List view.

    • Tree view.

    • Compact Tree.

  4. sort by state unstage icons Sort by state
    Sorts the files in the unstaged section based on their state.

unstaged changes section right click
  1. open working tree icon unstage Open Working Tree Version
    Opens the selected file with your local changes.

  2. compare with index icon unstage Compare with Index
    Compares your changes to the index version of the selected file.

  3. add to index icon unstage Add to Index
    Adds the selected file to your index to commit.

  4. Replace with HEAD Revision
    Discards uncommitted changes to your file.

  5. assume unchanged icon unstage Assume Unchanged
    Excludes the selected file from VCS management.
    Use this option when you want to ignore a file that you want to change locally but not push to Design Center.

  6. untrack icon unstage Untrack

Staged Changes section

staged changes section
  1. remove stage icons Remove selected files from the index
    Removes the selected file from the the index.

  2. remove all stage icons Remove all files including not selected ones from the index
    Removes all files in the staged section from the index.

staged changes section right click
  1. open working tree icon stage Open working Tree Version
    Opens the version of your file with your local changes.

  2. compare with index icon stage Compare with Working Tree
    Compares your staged changes to the changes in your local copy.

  3. remove from index icon stage Remove from Index
    Removes the selected file from the the index.

  4. Replace with HEAD Revision
    Discards uncommitted changes to your file.

Commit Message section

commit message section
  1. amend commit message Amend (Edit previous commit)
    Lets you change the commit message of your previous commit.

  2. sign off by commit message Add Signed-off-by

  3. sign commit commit message Sign Commit

  4. add change id commit message Add Change-ID